Welcome to OxyDB!

OxyDB is a user-updatable database of information about the Oxytricha trifallax genome sequence, determined at the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center. OxyDB provides information on the genome, genes, and proteins of Oxytricha based on analyses performed at Princeton University, scientific literature published by the Oxytricha research community, and other sources.

Please feel free to send comments, suggestions, or questions to us at ciliate-curator@bradley.edu.

What's New!

OxyDB has been updated!

Posted on 2021-10-29 00:24:36 by ciliate-curator

We have made changes to OxyDB to reflect the latest reannotation of the genome. Gene names displayed on OxyDB pages have been changed and now link to the updated genome browser. The previous annotation can still be searched using the BLAST server and legacy GBrowse genome browser.